Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010
graphic-surgery goes freight
Montag, 24. Mai 2010
TSIMUHA from salonika
Greek artist TSIMUHA is located in Salonika.
Tsimuhas style looks like a mixture of organic inspirations and vitual landscapes. i found his stuff via his streetfiles account
Montag, 17. Mai 2010
Do you know VANIA ?
While i wrote the text about "art inconsequence" another great trainpainter came to my mind - VANIA . i remeber his works from ekosystem . he seemd one of the few how did abstract works back in 2000. A time when trains in south west of france been extremly painted. A friend of mine told me those days he had to look out for a free space on the commuters ... good old times. here a collection of his works via
Book - art inconsequence
The book consists of 2 main parts - A Book and a DVD. When i invited R.Kaltenhäsuer for a lecture in Dresden , he told me the book was original planned as a kind of booklet for the DVD, but finally ended up in a 140 pages book.
The book is a great collection of texts and pictures. Pictures of filmed works in the Video. Higher quality , then the DVD - Pal, and combined in a well done layout.
The texts are in german and english language - not only about trains. R. Kaltenhäuser made a collection of texts by artists like Hans Winkler ( p.t.t. red) or art historians, that refelct about legality & llegality of art or "visions in motion". While Publikat seems to throw out the book of their stock, i cannot understand , this book is a must for trainworks lovers. it is maybe the first bok about a theme that is not reflected in artworld , but maybe will soon more relevant then ever before. you can buy it here are at your favorite bookshop ;)
Donnerstag, 13. Mai 2010
a riddle for officers
work done by german writer RÄTSEL ( that means riddle) . even it s a writing , it plays with authorities and dissolves the classic way of writing ... let's make a riddle out of the painting. via
Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2010
scary drawings of RELISH TODAY
Montag, 10. Mai 2010
fake door & logo busting by TAPS
a crazy fake door &logo bust by TAPS on a german s-train .
check out the comments of train-fans ( only german)
thanx F.W. & via
Freitag, 7. Mai 2010
Something in 3D

TALL&small by Shlomo Faber
Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2010
"about the nighshift" - Dates are fixed - website online!
Labrona - Special
He is one of the really long & still active freight artists from Canada -LABRONA.I already showed one of his works earlier on this blog. this time i want to show more works of him , cause he is a really really active guy. well this is again his foto-account and if you like to read an interview with hime - arrested motion made one "AM: Can you tell us a little about yourself and your background? Labrona: Hi, I am an artist that goes by the moniker Labrona. I’m known for painting oil stick characters on trains that travel the North American rail system. My friend Other got me into painting trains around 1998 and I haven’t stopped since. Lately, I’ve been making a name for myself as a gallery artist." - continue here
thanx giving 2003
with gawd 2007
done in 2004
a colorfull one from 2006 with berzerker
Dienstag, 4. Mai 2010
the IROT-way of steeling
Original Hustlers love stretch limousine
Who doesn't want to ride in such a crazy vehicle? Even local press loves to ride this limo... via
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