Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2012
This Video is part the show "Conceptual Vandalism" - It's a parody on the ongoing uprising aggression in the train graffiti scene. via vimeo
Samstag, 8. Dezember 2012
Pacman on trains - new & old
typical train designs include often lines. Lines that remind poeple on playing pac man on trains. The pictures above are two examples that deal with pac man. I remember that i saw more, but i could not find the pictures .... so please continue playing arcade games on trains - I love it !
Love and Security - Video
Love and Security is a great example how train painters react on the ongoing wave of extremly fast cleaning actions in countries without crises (even they talk about the crisis) . The country of Austria is one of the most radical reacting countries in Europe against graffiti. If you pass by this country you find rarely tags or pieces of high quality along the train line. Only Vienna seems to have an active scene of painters - you can see it along the line and you the rolling painted trains of the s-train system. The video seems to be mainly a reaction on the process of the vienna metro company that cleans trains before they leave the hangar. A practice copied from New York. The aim was to stop the running trains to keep them from an audience and to frustrate the painters. In recent years this practice doesn't help a lot. Artists spread their unauthorized actions via Internet, Magazines and Videos. "If the companies don't show our works - we do it ! " could be a message. It seems to work. The harsh reactions on this video - even featured on or österreich- show that an audience for this theme exist - positive or negative - it doesn't matter. On the other hand the text of the music (seems to be produced only for this video) explains why painters work on trains and that in contradiction to the pubilc thoughts , artists how paint on trains love the trains - but just with color. The vienna subway is maybe the best example for an ugly type of train design. In silver grey without any effects- without any additional color, it s maybe one of the most awfull commutersystems in the world.Immagine to see every morning this ugly train on the way to your job, friends , for some exhibition or whatever .... Poor people in Vienna !
Montag, 3. Dezember 2012
opening "Conceptual Vandalism"
- reminder - this Wednesday - screening of Spraymasters at motorenhalle Dresden
- and more infos about the show are now in english available :
Urban Script Continues 2012 - Conceptual Vandalism
Contemporary Art on Trains
Motorenhalle - Wachsbleichstraße 4a, 01067 Dresden
>Duration 30.11.12-12.1.2013, closed between Christmas and New Year’s Day
>Opening-times: tue-fr 4-8 p.m., sa 2-6 p.m.
During the 1980s, the US-phenomenon to spray subway wagons spilled over to Europe. Because there were only a few cities with a large-scale subway-system, the sprayers concentrated on the local public transport system. The suburban trains and the regional railway system seemed to be the perfect counterparts to imitate the American model. Along the way, the sprayers adopted the writing ideology “write your name on trains as often as you can“. Since the year 2000, new trends have been discovered. A group of sprayers got bored with the simple “name-dropping”. They developed new strategies to paint on trains. Until 2009 it was a small group of „train-artists“ that separated itself from the classical writing on trains. Since then, through the impact of the internet, more and more writers have seemed to realize art-creation on trains as a serious new strategy. Conceptual Vandalism integrates a group of train-painters who were working conceptually on trains in the non writing context even before 2009.
Artworks of the exhibition
The original artworks are always destroyed in Germany in short time. Photography is the most common medium for the documentation of the works. Therefore, mainly documentary photos will be shown in the exhibition. It will be complemented by sketches, objects, videos and internet-contents.
Only artists who do not appear in the public space take part in the exhibition. They act solely in the underground. Train-painting is still illegal and criminally prosecuted.
Curator: Jens Besser
Mittwoch, 28. November 2012
Building up "Conceptual Vandalism"
Mittwoch, 21. November 2012
painting trams in russia
Dienstag, 20. November 2012
Conceptual Vandalism opens soon
It goes on and on
Going to fuckin' west
Bratislava - legal trams and trains
Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2012
trassenkinder - exhibition
Trassenkinder - international Photography Exhibition
with works by:
MJAY (Netherlands)
OZKAR (Europe)
screening : PARANOID PLACES (20 years Graffiti in Stuttgart)
+ music, drinks & vegan food
Opening - Sa, 03.11.2012 - 8.p.m. | Kontext, Wiesbaden
open 03.11. - 30.11.2012 Wed & Fr 4.00p.m. - 7.00p.m.
more infos :
Montag, 22. Oktober 2012
Dienstag, 7. August 2012
Montag, 6. August 2012
Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012
Gallery In Motion - Kenor in Italy

"These are some of the work of this project. In a week painting 5 trains.In different cities, Naples, Rome, and Milan. Trains travelling by different routes, Pescara, Bologna, Venice. In Italy this is possible because they don't clean trains in 6 or 7 days. And that the paintings on the trains could see them in many cities at the same time.The idea was to bring pure abstract painting and geometric to trains. The idea was to paint large canvas on the train and that these travel through different cities of Italia.One Museum or Gallery in motion. An exhibition in several cities." via e-mail - thanx KENOR
Dienstag, 17. Juli 2012
Road Dogs
Hobo - culture arrived in Europe. Even the european freights don't look as comfortable as american ones, some french guys did a trip on freights. via ilovegraffiti
Montag, 16. Juli 2012
Freitag, 6. Juli 2012
New works by Other
I found new stuff of Other in his fotoaccount. This is one of his recent works.
More stuff you find on his fotostream.
Sonntag, 1. Juli 2012
Montag, 25. Juni 2012
Samstag, 9. Juni 2012
Lecture - "Die Rezeption des Writing auf Außenseiten mobiler Träger in Europa "
Sorry only german infos:
"urban script continues 2012 - the scientific lessons" presents
Die Rezeption des Writing auf Außenseiten mobiler Träger in Europa
by H. Hinz
Harald Hinz’ Dissertationsvorhaben “Die Rezeption des Writing auf Außenseiten mobiler Träger in Europa” fokussiert auf das klassische Schreiben des Sprühernamens. Umgangssprachlich wird es irreführenderweise Graffiti genannt. Ausgehend vom New Yorker Vorbild erreichte das Writing Mitte der 1980er Europa und ist seitdem aus keiner Großstadt wegzudenken. Allzuoft als zu entfernendes Übel verschrien hinterfragt Hinz die Relevanz des Writing im zeitgenössischen Kunstkontext. Das zentrale Thema ist die Aufnahme des writing in EU: “Wie ist es durch Medien , durch in- und direkte Kontakte transportiert worden, welche Typen des american writing wurden aufgenommen und welche nicht.” Europäische Tendenzen wie “Stylewriting” oder “Trainwriting” werden dabei analysiert, ebenso wie Fragen des Tag- und Throw-up-Stylings.
Start des Vortrags – 20 Uhr
Spendenbeitrag : 2€ ermässigt / 5€ normal
galerie module
Königsbrücker Strasse 96 / Halle 7c
01099 Dresden
Gefördert von:
Goethe Institut Sofia und Landeshauptstadt Dresden – Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz
"urban script continues 2012 - the scientific lessons" presents
Die Rezeption des Writing auf Außenseiten mobiler Träger in Europa
by H. Hinz
Harald Hinz’ Dissertationsvorhaben “Die Rezeption des Writing auf Außenseiten mobiler Träger in Europa” fokussiert auf das klassische Schreiben des Sprühernamens. Umgangssprachlich wird es irreführenderweise Graffiti genannt. Ausgehend vom New Yorker Vorbild erreichte das Writing Mitte der 1980er Europa und ist seitdem aus keiner Großstadt wegzudenken. Allzuoft als zu entfernendes Übel verschrien hinterfragt Hinz die Relevanz des Writing im zeitgenössischen Kunstkontext. Das zentrale Thema ist die Aufnahme des writing in EU: “Wie ist es durch Medien , durch in- und direkte Kontakte transportiert worden, welche Typen des american writing wurden aufgenommen und welche nicht.” Europäische Tendenzen wie “Stylewriting” oder “Trainwriting” werden dabei analysiert, ebenso wie Fragen des Tag- und Throw-up-Stylings.
Start des Vortrags – 20 Uhr
Spendenbeitrag : 2€ ermässigt / 5€ normal
galerie module
Königsbrücker Strasse 96 / Halle 7c
01099 Dresden
Gefördert von:
Goethe Institut Sofia und Landeshauptstadt Dresden – Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz
Freitag, 25. Mai 2012
Nederlandse Spoorwegen Spoor Niet
Funny small intervention via remcovdk
"ik spoor niet" most probably means "I don' follow (the law)" but Spoor means as well track.
poltical train painters in dortmund
Found this one via ilovegraffitiLuckily with english subtitles. The spoken german is in bad quality.
An interview in german and some more informations here
Addes infos to the interview: Readers of this blog know pretty well, there are more painters that do "non"-ego paintings on trains, but most probably it will always be a small number, because writing aka graffiti is usually ego-based.
Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012
"Tramjam 1" by GARNART, Jana & Js in Bratislava
found this one via streetartnews. You find more pictures of the working process on the website of Bratislava Street Art Festival
Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012
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