FreightTrainWorks shows photos, original sketches, publications , texts and videos which document and communicate the producing of artists.
With texts by J. Besser (DE), Alessandra Ioalé (IT), R. Kaltenhäuser (DE), P. Rivasi (IT) and E. Vogel (DE)
participating artists Aris (IT), BWNC (EU), Collettivo FX (IT), Druce Boxcar (RU), JIEM (FR), The Funky Diabetic (US), Weichenschleicher(DE), Wipe Out (FR), Zelle Asphaltkultur (DE)

Opening 14.7.2017 – Friday, 6 p.m.
opening times: Friday – Saturday, 3.pm. – 7 p.m.
SPECIALS? guided tours through the exhibition (bilingual) – fee per capita 5€
Saturday 15.07.2017, start 4 p.m.
Friday 28.07.2017, start Start 4 p.m.
Tuesday 8.08.2017, start 4 p.m.
“New Train Romantics – Hobo culture and Interrailer” by J.Besser
presentation during closing event on 11.08.2017 – Friday, 7 p.m.
You can follow on Facebook the #FreightTrainworksGlossary